Source code for specreduce.calibration_data

Utilities for defining, loading, and handling spectroscopic calibration data

import os
import warnings

import numpy as np
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.table import Table, vstack, QTable
from import download_file
from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyUserWarning

from specutils import Spectrum1D
from specutils.utils.wcs_utils import vac_to_air

__all__ = [




[docs] def get_reference_file_path( path=None, cache=True, repo_url="", repo_branch="main", repo_data_path="specreduce_data/reference_data", show_progress=False ): """ Utility to load reference data via GitHub raw user content. By default the ``specreduce_data`` repository at is used. Parameters ---------- path : str or None (default: None) Filename of reference file relative to the reference_data directory within specified package. cache : bool (default: False) Set whether file is cached if file is downloaded. repo_url : str Base repository URL for the reference data. repo_branch : str (default: main) Branch of repository from which to fetch the reference data. repo_data_path : str (default: specreduce_data/reference_data/) Path within the repository where the reference data is located. show_progress : bool (default: False) Set whether download progress bar is shown if file is downloaded. Returns ------- file_path : str or None Local path to reference data file or None if the path cannot be constructed or if the file itself is not valid. Examples -------- >>> from specreduce.calibration_data import get_reference_file_path >>> kpno_extinction_file = get_reference_file_path("extinction/kpnoextinct.dat") """ if path is None: return None remote_url = f"{repo_url}/{repo_branch}/{repo_data_path}/{path}" try: file_path = download_file( remote_url, cache=cache, show_progress=show_progress, pkgname='specreduce' ) except Exception as e: msg = f"Downloading of {remote_url} failed: {e}" warnings.warn(msg, AstropyUserWarning) return None # final sanity check to make sure file_path is actually a file. if os.path.isfile(file_path): return file_path else: warnings.warn(f"Able to construct {file_path}, but it is not a file.") return None
[docs] def get_pypeit_data_path( path=None, cache=True, show_progress=False ): """ Convenience utility to facilitate access to ``pypeit`` reference data. The data is accessed directly from the release branch on GitHub and downloaded/cached using ``. Parameters ---------- path : str or None (default: None) Filename of reference file relative to the reference_data directory within ``specreduce_data`` package. cache : bool (default: False) Set whether file is cached if file is downloaded. show_progress : bool (default: False) Set whether download progress bar is shown if file is downloaded. Returns ------- file_path : str or None Path to reference data file or None if the path cannot be constructed or if the file itself is not valid. Examples -------- >>> from specreduce.calibration_data import get_pypeit_data_path >>> pypeit_he_linelist = get_pypeit_data_path("arc_lines/lists/HeI_lines.dat") """ repo_url = "" repo_branch = "release" repo_data_path = "pypeit/data" return get_reference_file_path( path=path, cache=cache, repo_url=repo_url, repo_branch=repo_branch, repo_data_path=repo_data_path, show_progress=show_progress )
[docs] def load_pypeit_calibration_lines(lamps=None, wave_air=False, cache=True, show_progress=False): """ Load reference calibration lines from ``pypeit`` linelists. The ``pypeit`` linelists are well-curated and have been tested across a wide range of spectrographs. The available linelists are defined by ``PYPEIT_CALIBRATION_LINELISTS``. Parameters ---------- lamps : str or list-like (default: None) Lamp or list of lamps to include in output reference linelist. The parlance of "lamp" is retained here for consistency with its use in ``pypeit`` and elsewhere. In several of the supported cases the "lamp" is the sky itself (e.g. OH lines in the near-IR). wave_air : bool (default: False) If True, convert the vacuum wavelengths used by ``pypeit`` to air wavelengths. cache : bool (default: True) Toggle caching of downloaded data show_progress : bool (default: False) Show download progress bar Returns ------- linelist: `~astropy.table.Table` Table containing the combined calibration line list. ``pypeit`` linelists have the following columns: * ``ion``: Ion or molecule generating the line. * ``wave``: Vacuum wavelength of the line in Angstroms. * ``NIST``: Flag denoting if NIST is the ultimate reference for the line's wavelength. * ``Instr``: ``pypeit``-specific instrument flag. * ``amplitude``: Amplitude of the line. Beware, not consistent between lists. * ``Source``: Source of the line information. """ if lamps is None: return None linelist = None if isinstance(lamps, str): lamps = [lamps] if isinstance(lamps, (list, tuple, set, np.ndarray)): linelists = [] for lamp in lamps: if lamp in PYPEIT_CALIBRATION_LINELISTS: list_path = f"arc_lines/lists/{lamp}_lines.dat" lines_file = get_pypeit_data_path( list_path, cache=cache, show_progress=show_progress ) lines_tab = lines_file, format='ascii.fixed_width', comment='#' ) if lines_tab is not None: linelists.append(lines_tab) else: warnings.warn( f"{lamp} not in the list of supported calibration " "line lists: {PYPEIT_CALIBRATION_LINELISTS}." ) if len(linelists) == 0: warnings.warn(f"No calibration lines loaded from {lamps}.") linelist = None else: linelist = vstack(linelists) # pypeit linelists use vacuum wavelengths in angstroms linelist['wave'] *= u.Angstrom if wave_air: linelist['wave'] = vac_to_air(linelist['wave']) linelist = QTable(linelist) else: raise ValueError( f"Invalid calibration lamps specification, {lamps}. " "Must be a string or list-like iterable." ) return linelist
[docs] def load_MAST_calspec(filename, cache=True, show_progress=False): """ Load a standard star spectrum from the ``calspec`` database at MAST. These spectra are provided in FITS format and are described in detail at: # noqa If ``remote`` is True, the spectrum will be downloaded from MAST. Set ``remote`` to False to load a local file. .. note:: This function requires ``synphot`` to be installed separately. Parameters ---------- filename : str FITS filename of a standard star spectrum, e.g. g191b2b_005.fits. If this is a local file, it will be loaded. If not, then a download from MAST will be attempted. cache : bool (default = True) Toggle whether downloaded data is cached or not. show_progress : bool (default = True) Toggle whether download progress bar is shown. Returns ------- spectrum : `~specutils.Spectrum1D` or None If the spectrum can be loaded, return it as a `~specutils.Spectrum1D`. Otherwise return None. The spectral_axis units are Å and the flux units are milli-Janskys. """ if os.path.isfile(filename): file_path = filename else: url = f"{filename}" try: file_path = download_file( url, cache=cache, show_progress=show_progress, pkgname='specreduce' ) except Exception as e: msg = f"Downloading of {url} failed: {e}" warnings.warn(msg, AstropyUserWarning) file_path = None if file_path is None: return None else: import synphot _, wave, flux = synphot.specio.read_fits_spec(file_path) # DEV: pllim does not think this is necessary at all but whatever. # the calspec data stores flux in synphot's FLAM units. convert to flux units # supported directly by astropy.units. mJy is chosen since it's the JWST # standard and can easily be converted to/from AB magnitudes. flux_mjy = synphot.units.convert_flux(wave, flux, u.mJy) spectrum = Spectrum1D(spectral_axis=wave, flux=flux_mjy) return spectrum
[docs] def load_onedstds(dataset="snfactory", specfile="EG131.dat", cache=True, show_progress=False): """ This is a convenience function for loading a standard star spectrum from the 'onedstds' dataset in the ``specreduce_data`` package. They will be downloaded from the repository on GitHub and cached by default. Parameters ---------- dataset : str (default = "snfactory") Standard star spectrum database. Valid options are described in :ref:`specphot_standards`. specfile : str (default = "EG131.dat") Filename of the standard star spectrum. cache : bool (default = True) Enable caching of downloaded data. show_progress : bool (default = False) Show download progress bar if data is downloaded. Returns ------- spectrum : None or `~specutils.Spectrum1D` If the spectrum can be loaded, return it as a `~specutils.Spectrum1D`. Otherwise return None. The spectral_axis units are Å and the flux units are milli-Janskys. """ if dataset not in SPECPHOT_DATASETS: msg = (f"Specfied dataset, {dataset}, not in list of supported datasets of " f"spectrophotometric standard stars: f{SPECPHOT_DATASETS}") warnings.warn(msg, AstropyUserWarning) return None spec_path = get_reference_file_path( path=os.path.join("onedstds", dataset, specfile), cache=cache, show_progress=show_progress ) if spec_path is None: msg = f"Can't load {specfile} from {dataset}." warnings.warn(msg, AstropyUserWarning) return None t =, format="ascii", names=['wavelength', 'ABmag', 'binsize']) # the specreduce_data standard star spectra all provide wavelengths in angstroms spectral_axis = t['wavelength'].data * u.angstrom # the specreduce_data standard star spectra all provide fluxes in AB mag flux = t['ABmag'].data * u.ABmag flux = # convert to linear flux units spectrum = Spectrum1D(spectral_axis=spectral_axis, flux=flux) return spectrum
[docs] class AtmosphericExtinction(Spectrum1D): """ Spectrum container for atmospheric extinction in magnitudes as a function of wavelength. If extinction and spectral_axis are provided, this will use them to build a custom model. If they are not, the 'model' parameter will be used to lookup and load a pre-defined atmospheric extinction model from the ``specreduce_data`` package. Parameters ---------- model : str Name of atmospheric extinction model provided by ``specreduce_data``. Valid options are: kpno - Kitt Peak National Observatory (default) ctio - Cerro Tololo International Observatory apo - Apache Point Observatory lapalma - Roque de los Muchachos Observatory, La Palma, Canary Islands mko - Mauna Kea Observatories mtham - Lick Observatory, Mt. Hamilton station paranal - European Southern Observatory, Cerro Paranal station extinction : `~astropy.units.LogUnit`, `~astropy.units.Magnitude`, `~astropy.units.dimensionless_unscaled`, 1D list-like, or None Optionally provided extinction data for this spectrum. Used along with spectral_axis to build custom atmospheric extinction model. If no units are provided, assumed to be given in magnitudes. spectral_axis : `~astropy.units.Quantity` or `~astropy.coordinates.SpectralCoord` or None Optional Dispersion information with the same shape as the last (or only) dimension of flux, or one greater than the last dimension of flux if specifying bin edges. Used along with flux to build custom atmospheric extinction model. Properties ---------- extinction_mag : `~astropy.units.Magnitude` Extinction expressed in dimensionless magnitudes transmission : `~astropy.units.dimensionless_unscaled` Extinction expressed as fractional transmission """ def __init__(self, model="kpno", extinction=None, spectral_axis=None, cache=True, show_progress=False, **kwargs): if extinction is not None: if not isinstance(extinction, u.Quantity): warnings.warn( "Input extinction is not a Quanitity. Assuming it is given in magnitudes...", AstropyUserWarning ) extinction = u.Magnitude( extinction, u.MagUnit(u.dimensionless_unscaled) ).to(u.dimensionless_unscaled) # Spectrum1D wants this to be linear if isinstance(extinction, (u.LogUnit, u.Magnitude)) or extinction.unit == u.mag: # if in log or magnitudes, recast into Magnitude with dimensionless physical units extinction = u.Magnitude( extinction.value, u.MagUnit(u.dimensionless_unscaled) ).to(u.dimensionless_unscaled) if extinction.unit != u.dimensionless_unscaled: # if we're given something linear that's not dimensionless_unscaled, # it's an error msg = "Input extinction must have unscaled dimensionless units." raise ValueError(msg) if extinction is None and spectral_axis is None: if model not in SUPPORTED_EXTINCTION_MODELS: msg = ( f"Requested extinction model, {model}, not in list " f"of available models: {SUPPORTED_EXTINCTION_MODELS}" ) raise ValueError(msg) model_file = os.path.join("extinction", f"{model}extinct.dat") model_path = get_reference_file_path( path=model_file, cache=cache, show_progress=show_progress ) t =, format="ascii", names=['wavelength', 'extinction']) # the specreduce_data models all provide wavelengths in angstroms spectral_axis = t['wavelength'].data * u.angstrom # the specreduce_data models all provide extinction in magnitudes at an airmass of 1 extinction = u.Magnitude( t['extinction'].data, u.MagUnit(u.dimensionless_unscaled) ).to(u.dimensionless_unscaled) if spectral_axis is None: msg = "Missing spectral axis for input extinction data." raise ValueError(msg) super(AtmosphericExtinction, self).__init__( flux=extinction, spectral_axis=spectral_axis, unit=u.dimensionless_unscaled, **kwargs ) @property def extinction_mag(self): """ This property returns the extinction in magnitudes """ return @property def transmission(self): """ This property returns the transmission as a fraction between 0 and 1 """ return self.flux
[docs] class AtmosphericTransmission(AtmosphericExtinction): """ Spectrum container for atmospheric transmission as a function of wavelength. Parameters ---------- data_file : str or `~pathlib.Path` or None Name to file containing atmospheric transmission data. Data is assumed to have two columns, wavelength and transmission (unscaled dimensionless). If this isn't provided, a model is built from a pre-calculated table of values from 0.9 to 5.6 microns. The values were generated by the ATRAN model, (Lord, S. D., 1992, NASA Technical Memorandum 103957). The extinction is given as a linear transmission fraction at an airmass of 1 and 1 mm of precipitable water. wave_unit : `~astropy.units.Unit` (default = Units for spectral axis. """ def __init__(self, data_file=None,, **kwargs): if data_file is None: data_path = os.path.join("extinction", "atm_trans_am1.0.dat") data_file = get_reference_file_path(path=data_path) t =, format="ascii", names=['wavelength', 'extinction']) # spectral axis is given in microns spectral_axis = t['wavelength'].data * wave_unit # extinction is given in a dimensionless transmission fraction extinction = t['extinction'].data * u.dimensionless_unscaled super(AtmosphericTransmission, self).__init__( extinction=extinction, spectral_axis=spectral_axis, **kwargs )