Source code for specreduce.tracing

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst

from copy import deepcopy
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
import warnings

from astropy.modeling import Model, fitting, models
from astropy.nddata import NDData
from astropy.stats import gaussian_sigma_to_fwhm
from astropy.utils.decorators import deprecated
import numpy as np

from specreduce.core import _ImageParser

__all__ = ['Trace', 'FlatTrace', 'ArrayTrace', 'FitTrace']

[docs]@dataclass class Trace: """ Basic tracing class that by default traces the middle of the image. Parameters ---------- image : `~astropy.nddata.NDData`-like or array-like, required Image to be traced Properties ---------- shape : tuple Shape of the array describing the trace """ image: NDData def __post_init__(self): self.trace_pos = self.image.shape[0] / 2 self.trace = np.ones_like(self.image[0]) * self.trace_pos def __getitem__(self, i): return self.trace[i] @property def shape(self): return self.trace.shape
[docs] def shift(self, delta): """ Shift the trace by delta pixels perpendicular to the axis being traced Parameters ---------- delta : float Shift to be applied to the trace """ # act on to ignore the mask and then re-mask when calling _bound_trace self.trace = np.asarray( + delta self._bound_trace()
def _bound_trace(self): """ Mask trace positions that are outside the upper/lower bounds of the image. """ ny = self.image.shape[0] self.trace =, 0, ny-1) def __add__(self, delta): """ Return a copy of the trace shifted "forward" by delta pixels perpendicular to the axis being traced """ copy = deepcopy(self) copy.shift(delta) return copy def __sub__(self, delta): """ Return a copy of the trace shifted "backward" by delta pixels perpendicular to the axis being traced """ return self.__add__(-delta)
[docs]@dataclass class FlatTrace(Trace, _ImageParser): """ Trace that is constant along the axis being traced. Example: :: trace = FlatTrace(image, trace_pos) Parameters ---------- trace_pos : float Position of the trace """ trace_pos: float def __post_init__(self): self.image = self._parse_image(self.image) self.set_position(self.trace_pos)
[docs] def set_position(self, trace_pos): """ Set the trace position within the image Parameters ---------- trace_pos : float Position of the trace """ self.trace_pos = trace_pos self.trace = np.ones_like([0]) * self.trace_pos self._bound_trace()
[docs]@dataclass class ArrayTrace(Trace, _ImageParser): """ Define a trace given an array of trace positions. Parameters ---------- trace : `numpy.ndarray` Array containing trace positions """ trace: np.ndarray def __post_init__(self): self.image = self._parse_image(self.image) nx = self.image.shape[1] nt = len(self.trace) if nt != nx: if nt > nx: # truncate trace to fit image self.trace = self.trace[0:nx] else: # assume trace starts at beginning of image and pad out trace to fit. # padding will be the last value of the trace, but will be masked out. padding = - nt) * self.trace[-1], mask=True) self.trace =[self.trace, padding]) self._bound_trace()
[docs]@dataclass class FitTrace(Trace, _ImageParser): """ Trace the spectrum aperture in an image. Bins along the image's dispersion (wavelength) direction, finds each bin's peak cross-dispersion (spatial) pixel, and uses a model to interpolate the function fitted to the peaks as a final trace. The number of bins, peak finding algorithm, and model used for fitting are customizable by the user. Example: :: trace = FitTrace(image, peak_method='gaussian', guess=trace_pos) Parameters ---------- image : `~astropy.nddata.NDData`-like or array-like, required The image over which to run the trace. Assumes cross-dispersion (spatial) direction is axis 0 and dispersion (wavelength) direction is axis 1. bins : int, optional The number of bins in the dispersion (wavelength) direction into which to divide the image. If not set, defaults to one bin per dispersion (wavelength) pixel in the given image. If set, requires at least 4 or N bins for a degree N ``trace_model``, whichever is greater. [default: None] guess : int, optional A guess at the trace's location in the cross-dispersion (spatial) direction. If set, overrides the normal max peak finder. Good for tracing a fainter source if multiple traces are present. [default: None] window : int, optional Fit the trace to a region with size ``window * 2`` around the guess position. Useful for tracing faint sources if multiple traces are present, but potentially bad if the trace is substantially bent or warped. [default: None] trace_model : one of `~astropy.modeling.polynomial.Chebyshev1D`,\ `~astropy.modeling.polynomial.Legendre1D`,\ `~astropy.modeling.polynomial.Polynomial1D`,\ or `~astropy.modeling.spline.Spline1D`, optional The 1-D polynomial model used to fit the trace to the bins' peak pixels. Spline1D models are fit with Astropy's 'SplineSmoothingFitter', while the other models are fit with the 'LevMarLSQFitter'. [default: ``models.Polynomial1D(degree=1)``] peak_method : string, optional One of ``gaussian``, ``centroid``, or ``max``. ``gaussian``: Fits a gaussian to the window within each bin and adopts the central value as the peak. May work best with fewer bins on faint targets. (Based on the "kosmos" algorithm from James Davenport's same-named repository.) ``centroid``: Takes the centroid of the window within in bin. ``max``: Saves the position with the maximum flux in each bin. [default: ``max``] """ bins: int = None guess: float = None window: int = None trace_model: Model = field(default=models.Polynomial1D(degree=1)) peak_method: str = 'max' _crossdisp_axis = 0 _disp_axis = 1 def __post_init__(self): self.image = self._parse_image(self.image) # mask any previously uncaught invalid values or_mask = np.logical_or(self.image.mask, ~np.isfinite( img =, or_mask) # validate arguments valid_peak_methods = ('gaussian', 'centroid', 'max') if self.peak_method not in valid_peak_methods: raise ValueError(f"peak_method must be one of {valid_peak_methods}") if img.mask.all(): raise ValueError('image is fully masked. Check for invalid values') if self._crossdisp_axis != 0: raise ValueError('cross-dispersion axis must equal 0') if self._disp_axis != 1: raise ValueError('dispersion axis must equal 1') valid_models = (models.Spline1D, models.Legendre1D, models.Chebyshev1D, models.Polynomial1D) if not isinstance(self.trace_model, valid_models): raise ValueError("trace_model must be one of " f"{', '.join([ for m in valid_models])}.") cols = img.shape[self._disp_axis] model_deg = if self.bins is None: self.bins = cols elif self.bins < 4: # many of the Astropy model fitters require four points at minimum raise ValueError('bins must be >= 4') elif self.bins <= model_deg: raise ValueError(f"bins must be > {model_deg} for " f"a degree {model_deg} model.") elif self.bins > cols: raise ValueError(f"bins must be <= {cols}, the length of the " "image's spatial direction") if not isinstance(self.bins, int): warnings.warn('TRACE: Converting bins to int') self.bins = int(self.bins) if (self.window is not None and (self.window > img.shape[self._disp_axis] or self.window < 1)): raise ValueError(f"window must be >= 2 and less than {cols}, the " "length of the image's spatial direction") elif self.window is not None and not isinstance(self.window, int): warnings.warn('TRACE: Converting window to int') self.window = int(self.window) # set max peak location by user choice or wavelength with max avg flux ztot = img.sum(axis=self._disp_axis) / img.shape[self._disp_axis] peak_y = self.guess if self.guess is not None else ztot.argmax() # NOTE: peak finder can be bad if multiple objects are on slit yy = np.arange(img.shape[self._crossdisp_axis]) if self.peak_method == 'gaussian': # guess the peak width as the FWHM, roughly converted to gaussian sigma yy_above_half_max = np.sum(ztot > (ztot.max() / 2)) width_guess = yy_above_half_max / gaussian_sigma_to_fwhm # enforce some (maybe sensible?) rules about trace peak width width_guess = (2 if width_guess < 2 else 25 if width_guess > 25 else width_guess) # fit a Gaussian to peak for fall-back answer, but don't use yet g1d_init = models.Gaussian1D(amplitude=ztot.max(), mean=peak_y, stddev=width_guess) offset_init = models.Const1D( profile = g1d_init + offset_init fitter = fitting.LevMarLSQFitter() popt_tot = fitter(profile, yy, ztot) # restrict fit to window (if one exists) ilum2 = (yy if self.window is None else yy[np.arange(peak_y - self.window, peak_y + self.window, dtype=int)]) if img[ilum2].mask.all(): raise ValueError('All pixels in window region are masked. Check ' 'for invalid values or use a larger window value.') x_bins = np.linspace(0, img.shape[self._disp_axis], self.bins + 1, dtype=int) y_bins = np.tile(np.nan, self.bins) for i in range(self.bins): # repeat earlier steps to create gaussian fit for each bin z_i = img[ilum2, x_bins[i]:x_bins[i+1]].sum(axis=self._disp_axis) if not z_i.mask.all(): peak_y_i = ilum2[z_i.argmax()] else: warnings.warn(f"All pixels in bin {i} are masked. Falling " 'to trace value from all-bin fit.') peak_y_i = peak_y if self.peak_method == 'gaussian': yy_i_above_half_max = np.sum(z_i > (z_i.max() / 2)) width_guess_i = yy_i_above_half_max / gaussian_sigma_to_fwhm # NOTE: original KOSMOS code mandated width be greater than 2 # (to avoid cosmic rays) and less than 25 (to avoid fitting noise). # we should extract values from img to derive similar limits # width_guess_i = (2 if width_guess_i < 2 # else 25 if width_guess_i > 25 # else width_guess_i) g1d_init_i = models.Gaussian1D(amplitude=z_i.max(), mean=peak_y_i, stddev=width_guess_i) offset_init_i = models.Const1D( profile_i = g1d_init_i + offset_init_i popt_i = fitter(profile_i, ilum2, z_i) # if gaussian fits off chip, then fall back to previous answer if not ilum2.min() <= popt_i.mean_0 <= ilum2.max(): y_bins[i] = popt_tot.mean_0.value else: y_bins[i] = popt_i.mean_0.value popt_tot = popt_i elif self.peak_method == 'centroid': z_i_cumsum = np.cumsum(z_i) # find the interpolated index where the cumulative array reaches half the total # cumulative values y_bins[i] = np.interp(z_i_cumsum[-1]/2., z_i_cumsum, ilum2) elif self.peak_method == 'max': # TODO: implement smoothing with provided width y_bins[i] = ilum2[z_i.argmax()] # recenter bin positions x_bins = (x_bins[:-1] + x_bins[1:]) / 2 # interpolate the fitted trace over the entire wavelength axis y_finite = np.where(np.isfinite(y_bins))[0] if y_finite.size > 0: x_bins = x_bins[y_finite] y_bins = y_bins[y_finite] # use given model to bin y-values; interpolate over all wavelengths fitter = (fitting.SplineSmoothingFitter() if isinstance(self.trace_model, models.Spline1D) else fitting.LevMarLSQFitter()) self.trace_model_fit = fitter(self.trace_model, x_bins, y_bins) trace_x = np.arange(img.shape[self._disp_axis]) trace_y = self.trace_model_fit(trace_x) else: warnings.warn("TRACE ERROR: No valid points found in trace") trace_y = np.tile(np.nan, img.shape[self._disp_axis]) self.trace =
@deprecated('1.3', alternative='FitTrace') @dataclass class KosmosTrace(FitTrace): """ This class is pending deprecation. Please use `FitTrace` instead. """ __doc__ += FitTrace.__doc__ pass